Check the way you are marketing your house, how clean and maintained it is, and whether the price is right if your house isn’t selling. Charleston SC house buyers want to get the best they can get for the money, so make sure yours is the best buy on the block.
There are three common reasons that a house sits on the market for month after month until a year goes by with no action to speak of. Then another year goes by and the house is still listed. This sounds like a long time, but it’s not unheard of in today’s tough market. The buyers out there have many homes to choose from so they can be very picky about what they want. Make sure your house offers the best they can find in your neighborhood and at a great price if you want your house to sell.
House Selling Tips – Charleston South Carolina
1) The first reason your house might be slow to move is that the price is all wrong. Homeowners that love their houses and are reluctant to sell, though they have to for one reason or another, tend to overprice their property. The best price might be slightly below current market value. Find the comparable prices from other houses in the area that have sold recently and that are for sale today. Dip your price just below that so buyers can see what a bargain your house is.
2) The second reason could be that the house is not kept up and appears to have been neglected. Go through the house and take note of the things that are not working correctly. Fix those things, clean the house up as best you can and keep it clean. That way when someone calls to come and see the house you can do a quick run through to check each room for stray items and it will be ready to show in just a few minutes. Putting a buyer off until tomorrow when the time is better for you might just cause you to lose the sale. Be as ready as possible to show the house right away. Clothing and toys must be picked up; no dishes in the sink and on the table and counters, and the beds should be made. It makes a difference so it will be worth the effort.
3) The third reason might be that the marketing of the house is not working and needs to be altered. Bad, blurry pictures with messy rooms are found all over the internet in listings, but you must make sure that your photos are clear if you want to sell the house. Clear pictures of the best features in the house along with a nicely written description are a must.